Local Produce / School Visits / Bed & Breakfast

beef joint

Cow grazing

meat basket

beef joint
We offer fresh boxed beef throughout the year. Boxes contain 10kg of Broughton Grounds prime beef, hung for 28-30 days and butchered locally. A typical box contains a single rib or rolled sirloin joint, two topside roasting joints, rump, fillet and braising steaks, stewing beef and mince in 500g packs.
Free-range hens eggs are always available at the farmhouse door and we deliver to local villages on Thursdays.
Our honey is also available from the farmhouse throughout the year, and colonies of bees are available to buy in the spring.
Free-range Christmas poultry can be pre-ordered from September each year.
For more details please contact:
James on 07875 626590 or Andy and Maggie on 01295 730315

honey stack

honey comb

jars of honey

honey stack